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2024-05-13 17:28:05

I joke about Data on Star Trek TNG responding as a search engine when he should respond like social media; instead of spew tabled info, they'd use subspace transmissions to contact living expertise networks. "What do you make of this?" "Nebula Research at Rigel 12 suggest contacting Talos IV…"
Sadly our enshittification of search underlines my notion: by the TNG era no educated human would conceive of trusting search.
Data, what IS the big dot I can toggle in column 1 in #Emacs #OrgRoam? 🤣
2024-02-25 18:26:39

Haven't posted about it but shoulda; been doing a rewatch Everything Star Trek binge. Finished Enterprise the other day, currently doing the reboot movies.
My viewing order (tho I may have the TNG movies out of place):
TOS -> TAS -> TOSMovies -> TNG -> Generations -> DS9 -> First Contact -> VOY -> Insurrection -> ENT -> Nemesis -> Reboot Movies (I am here, 1/3) -> Disco -> STP -> Lower Decks -> SNW
2024-04-20 20:06:16

Currently rewatching TNG. I've spent a lot of my free time watching the Star Trek shows I like after eachother, and starting over once I've seen it everything.
2024-04-04 21:15:40

Putting my new #bluray copy of #StarTrek #TNG on #Jellyfin, and heard this while checking the p…

Video promo for Star Trek The Next Generation for season 2 episode 18.